Letting go

I held you
like a cluster
of memories
I let you go
and the wind
carried you
away from me
but the memories
fell back
into my heart

and then,
that voice in the wind:

“Here is the love
from which I will return.”

49 thoughts on “Letting go

  1. Pingback: Letting go – The Militant Negroβ„’

  2. Your words are heaven, Trini. Always so loving, that when I got a new award that highlights love and compassion, I thought of you. I see the ping from my award posting, so perhaps you’ve already seen it. In case you haven’t, I’m here to let you know I shared some love for you and your blog at http://friendlyfairytales.com/2015/02/01/snowfall-of-awards/ No pressure. I know how much time they take. ((hugs)) Hope you are held in love today, my friend.

  3. Pingback: Snowfall of Awards | Friendly Fairy Tales

  4. I have really missed one of my very best friends, Matt, lately. This happened to me a couple of nights ago. He just settled on me and I said something he used to always say. I started crying and then me and Jonathan just laughed and laughed through the tears. Thank you for being you, Trini. ❀

    • Oh, I love that Lisa πŸ™‚ I love that the memory of him made you and Jonathan laugh πŸ™‚ I think he must have been laughing with you, so happy to know that the memory of his life on earth could bring so much happiness and joy to someone πŸ™‚ ❀ ❀

  5. Love this one, Trini! I love the image, too! I am obsessed with hot air balloons. Would love to ride on one, but there was a horrific accident on one near me so now I am fearful.Too much to live for! They launch often in my area and though I won’t get on one — I really enjoy watching them.

    • I love that photo too! πŸ™‚ ❀ It is magical! I also love hot air balloons, any balloon really πŸ™‚ I also love the small colorful ones that kids carry with them on a string πŸ™‚ ❀

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